1 day trekking to Fansipan mountain

Tour code: F 1
Tour duration: 1 day
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Sapa – Tram Ton pass – Fansipan – Tram Ton – Sapa
Distance 24 km for both way – duration 10 -12 h

The Fansipan is the highest peak mountain in the Indochina peninsula. located in Sapa district -lao Cai- Viet nam.With an elevation is 3143 m, 1 day trek is very hard and difficult, just for strong people. it takes 12 km / way x 2 ways ( go and back ) = 24 km, 1400 m elevation, total 10 -12h trekking
5h45/6h00 AM, our guide picks you up at your hotel in Sapa town and takes a car or motorbike ( will take motorbike if only 1 person on the tour, If you could not stay on motorbike, please let us know to change) to Tram Ton pass, 2000 m above sea level and it is the place to start the trek. Crossing bamboo, old trees forest with colorful flowers and  nice streams, amazing views on the way... Pic-nic lunch on the way ,we will arrive at the top about 12h PM ( Depend your speed), there you will take alot amazing and unique pictures of Vietnam and China mountain. You can return to Sapa by cable car (Optional for cable car. You pay cable car tikckets by yourself) to Cable station or trek back on the same way to Tram Ton pass to take the car or motorbike back to Sapa town ...end tour.

Include: English speaking guide, pic-nic lunch, 1,5 liter of water/pax,  transport, entrance fee with medal and certification, insurance
Not include: tips, personal expenses, cable car tickets, soft drink ( beer, coke, coffee, tea )

The price:
  1 pax = 94 usd
  2 pax = 63 usd/pax
  3 pax = 59 usd/pax 
  4 pax=  57 usd/pax

  5 pax = 54 usd /pax
1: Food. We provide pic-nic lunch and our guide carries it ( bread, fried chicken and eggs, tomato and cucumber, 2 kinds of fresh fruits, some small Vietnamese snacks )
If you have special request of food, Please let us know and we will change the food ).

2: Weather
-From November to April: It is a winter time and very cold, often sunny, possible misty and rainy but not heavy rain. Temperature from -2 to 12 Oc during this time ( Dry season and often sunny on summit, It is about 80-90 % of time is sunny on summit )
-From May – October is Summer time, it is also very cold in Fansipan, sunny and possible raining a lot and some misty but not full day or every-day. Temperature is about 5 to 15 Oc. It is possible heavy rain but Not dangerous for the trek and do not worry
The weather changes very quickly in a day and everyday.

3: What to bring:  You should bring warm clothes, raincoats, sun-cream, trekking shoes, stick (possible find a bamboo stick in jungle), hat, head-light, toilet paper, glove, sock…. put them on a backpack to carry
We will give you 1,5 liters of water / pers (a big bottle) and you carry it by yourself

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